Sight Words
Updated to HTML5
To teach cursive I have created a self-paced program where the students use a program to see how to make the letters and then watch a video of me showing them how to make a cursive word with that letter in it. They then show me they can write the word on notebook paper..
The videos can be found at
Cursive Letter Program
NOT updated yet
Link to the Student Checklist. 
Link to a student practice sheet. 
Link to cursive summary. 
Click here for a checklist for each level.
Click here to get a list of all 300 words.
The sight word program allows students to practice the first 300 sight words.  
If you used the older versions of this program, this program combines the other programs into one.
Word Sounds
With Word Sounds students create words based on the sounds in the word. The program tests the students on the first 100 Dolch words. It has a practice level that a teacher could use to create other words. Each combination creates a unique number that a teacher could use to if a student made the correct combination.
Speed Word
Speed Word gives students 5 seconds to identify a sight word. This program uses the first 300 Dolch Words.